Joe Biden Says He Is 'On Track To Win' US Presidential Election

Democratic candidate tells supporters his campaign is "feeling good" about race against Donald Trump.

Joe Biden has told supporters he is “on track to win” the US presidential election.

Speaking in the early hours of Wednesday morning, Biden his campaign was “feeling good about where we are”.

“Keep the faith guys, we are going to win this,” he said. “I am here to tell you tonight we believe we are on track to win this election.”

Donald Trump has also said he intends to speak and claimed he was on course for a “a big win”.

A total of 270 electoral votes is needed to win the US election, a majority of the total of 538.

Each state is allotted a fixed number of electoral votes, based roughly on the size of its population. Here’s a guide for Brits to the Electoral College system.

Democratic hopes of a big and quick victory were extinguished after Trump was projected to have won Florida and Ohio.

Despite positive news for Trump early in the night. Biden’s campaign remained bullish in publish. “We’re going to win,” deputy campaign manager Rufus Gifford tweeted late on Tuesday evening.

Biden’s most likely route to victory now runs through Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. All three of these states voted for Trump in 2016, but traditionally had voted for the Democrats.

If Biden wins those three, as well as all the states Hillary Clinton won in 2016, he would secure 279 electoral college votes and the presidency.

“We’re feeling real good about Wisconsin and Michigan. And by the way, it’s going to take time to count the votes but we’re going to win Pennsylvania,” he said.

The Democrats are also hoping to flip Arizona and its 11 electoral college votes, which voted for Trump in 2016, into their column. Biden added he was

This would give Biden a buffer and allow him to lose another swing state but still win 270 electoral college votes.

Biden said: “We knew this was going to go on but who knew it was going to go into maybe tomorrow morning, maybe even longer.

“But look, we feel good about where we are. We really do. I am here to tell you tonight we believe we’re on track to win this election.”

It could take a long time before the result is known as some key swing states, do not begin counting mail-in ballots until election day.


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