Trump-Brexit Comparisons Made As US Election Results Come in

'Ahh crap….this is Brexit all over again. WE WARNED YOU'.

It’s still not been called but it looks like Donald Trump may be the next President of the United States.

Inevitably, people are comparing it to the night the UK voted to leave the EU, when a predicted win for Remain suddenly turned to a vote for Brexit.

I'm afraid to sleep even though I'm soooo tired. Last time I slept easy... woke up to Brexit and Farage victory speach...

— MIKA (@mikasounds) November 9, 2016

Ahh crap….this is Brexit all over again. WE WARNED YOU #ElectionNight

— Anton Volkov (@antovolk) November 9, 2016

#ElectionNight This is Americas Brexit moment. The elite ignored the general public for far too long and now it's bitten them in the arse

— Steve (@StevenSherry2) November 9, 2016

Others however, are not so sure.

I'm so fed up of the Brexit/Trump comparison. There were reasonable arguments from reasonable people in favour of Brexit. But with Trump...

— Mehdi Hasan (@mehdirhasan) November 9, 2016

Brexit analogy misses point. Rational grounds for being in/ out of EU. Tonight a far starker choice of views, leaders risks - & more serious

— anne mcelvoy (@annemcelvoy) November 9, 2016

This is NOTHING like Brexit. Voting for UK sovereignty is NOT the same as voting for a racist, sexist, ignorant pig as US President.

— Julia Hartley-Brewer (@JuliaHB1) November 9, 2016

One constant on both nights is a certain Nigel Farage who has said he would accept a job if Donald Trump gave offered him a role.

If Trump wins, Nigel Farage is relevant again. He's the British politician with strongest links to the new president #ElectionNight

— Tim Stanley (@timothy_stanley) November 9, 2016

And he seems to be going down a treat in the States right now.

You are so special @Nigel_Farage! The U.K. Is blessed to have you! Thank you for the positive tweets today --I needed each and every one!!!!

— Phatpuppy4DaddyTrump (@phatpuppyart) November 9, 2016

Although others have been less kind.

Nigel Farage is so far up Trump's bottom he can see Piers Morgan's feet.

— Gary Bainbridge (@Gary_Bainbridge) November 8, 2016

Can you imagine being so stupid you think the likes of Farage and Trump are anti-establishment. Terrifying.

— Danny (@BrianKiddsMate) November 9, 2016

Farage, who famously almost conceded defeat early in the night of the Brexit vote, has also been keeping a close eye on things.

Market moves suggest Brexit may be happening again.

— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) November 9, 2016

'@realDonaldTrump likes the UK and believes in the special relationship. A marked difference to President Obama and Hillary!

— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) November 9, 2016

Which has prompted a mixed response.

@Nigel_Farage Loved your love for Putin tonight.

— Jamie Reed (@jreedmp) November 9, 2016

.@Nigel_Farage Christ you're a reptilian, bandwagon-jumping, fascist-fellating lecture tour craving bellend.

— Paul Sinha (@paulsinha) November 9, 2016

@Nigel_Farage Take down the establishment together

— Liam Edwards (@LiamPLEdwards) November 9, 2016

.@Nigel_Farage @jimwaterson What everything going down the shitter, you frog-faced Goebbels?

— Louis Barfe (@LFBarfe) November 9, 2016

All the latest results can be found below...


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