Woman Fat Shamed At Gym Sticks Two Fingers Up At The Men Who Mocked Her

'I did not leave the house to impress you today.'

A mum who was fat-shamed on her way to the gym has well and truly put the haters in their place by posting a sassy response online.

The woman, known only as Imgur user Mrsjimbeam313, said a group of men mocked her as she arrived for her workout.

"Your laughter and rude comments didn't stop me from busting my ass at the gym today," she said.

"Please excuse my lack of makeup and my ratty old clothes. I did not leave the house to impress you today. I went to impress myself and to make my son proud of his mum. "

The woman went on to explain she's been going to the gym to "better herself" and posted an image showing some of her medical stats.

"My doctor was blown away by my blood work. My total cholesterol was 118 which is well below the 200 limit for normal," she said.

She went on to explain that she does not have diabetes or high blood pressure and is proud of her achievements to date.

"This 'fat ass' almost gave up today. After being ridiculed I sat in my car in the parking lot and cried," she added.

"I wanted nothing more than to go home binge watch 'River Monsters'. But I didn't. I gave you all a big fuck you and busted my fat ass.

"Over a hour, of sweating and huffing but I did it.

"Now please excuse my big fat ass as I go home to my loving son who probably wants me to run around with him for another hour."

That sure told them 🙌

Before You Go
