"University is the best three years of your life" they always tell you before you start. They show university to be all sex, drugs and rock and roll - a non-stop party that ends when you enter the real world in three years' time.
And that's all well and good, until you realise you're already in the adult world. You're officially a grown up now. It's a whole different world at university, compared to the pampered world of home life.
University is meant to teach you many things, but this is five of many things it has already taught me in my first weeks.
1.Food is so expensive, you contemplate starving
As a university student, you actually have to do your own food shopping. It's a whole new world doing a proper food shop. You wander round your supermarket, wondering where your parents get the money to afford all this food. Why are vegetables so expensive? You struggle round the shop, until you find the frozen section - the only section with affordable food. £1 vegetables, or £1 frozen pizzas?
2.You live in a world of thieves
Okay, I mean "thieves" in the loosest way possible. But things just go missing in your flat. Milk goes missing, juice vanishes into thin air and crisps disappear from your cupboard. But there's nothing you can do. I believe some people call this "sharing", but "sharing" is not leaving people stranded on the toilet because you've taken their toilet roll.
3.You find whole new ways to procrastinate
Many people think they're good at procrastinating throughout GCSE's and A-Level, but it's a whole different game at university. You procrastinate in ways you didn't know even existed. Whether you tidy the kitchen, drink copious amounts of water just so you can refill you water bottle, or just sit staring into space, procrastination is unavoidable.
4.It is easy to turn into your parents
You may not realise it yet, but you are more like your parents than you think you are. You only realise the similarities when someone starts washing up a different way, or leaves the place untidy. Before you know it, you're on your own in the kitchen, mumbling about how you're the "only person who ever does anything around this place".
5.No matter how poor you are, there's always enough for a night out
The temptation is far too real. You decide you can't afford to eat, or buy a new pair of jeans to replace your awfully ripped ones; but suddenly find yourself in a taxi on the way to town. "How did this happen?" you ponder as you enter the club. But then you realise - £1 jägerbombs are far too good to turn down.