I hope you enjoyed reading last Thursday's article in this column; found it of some use and help concerning the oft vexed question as to how you start to train properly and effectively.
As I said, the article was split into two parts as there is a lot to cover. So here is the Part Two
At the end of Part One I was talking about the option of using a "PT gym."
I suggested instead of purchasing a gym membership; you could just go to a PT gym. Pay for the PT Session, use the gym and facilities for free. This is often the destination of choice for the more serious trainer, as it's quite hard core.

In essence you turn up, you train, you shower and you leave.
It guarantees you will work hard and get results. However you don't get the frills of a normal gym.
This is the kind of training I did when I was coming back from injury. I started working with the fitness and nutrition guru Phil Learny at Ultimate Performance in Mayfair. I would train at 7.00 in the morning with him and then go into Wasps training.
UP is a great place for men and women looking to get body transformations. It's not like a David Lloyd or Virgin Active. Yet still has all the equipment to get you into shape. There are gyms like this across London. You just need to take your time and find the one you like.
You have waited this long to get fit; why not wait a little longer to ensure you make the right choice?
You need to work out what kind of personal trainer you want. What kind of person is going to appeal to you?
You don't want someone who doesn't know what they're talking about. You want someone to push you. There's no point in spending money on health, fitness, equipment, food and diet, if you're not going to put the work in.

If you watch anybody train in the gym with the personal trainer, there are two basic types of clients. The ones that get on with the training and push themselves hard. Yes of course they moan a little bit and have their off days. I moan all the time as well as having the little voices in my head that say "give up" but at the end of the day I get on with it.
The other type of person is the bargainer. The client who tries every trick in the book to get out of training. They talk non-stop, ask all sorts of questions of their PT. They say, "If I do ten of these then I don't have to do any of those". At the end of the day that's fine you're the client but you are just wasting your time. Nobody gets in shape without hard work and sacrifice.
If you can't afford to go to a gym, don't worry or stop; there are plenty of resources on the Internet that will help you get fit and get in shape.
For example at www.jameshaskell.com we are always publishing free training sessions and complimentary advice to get you going across many different disciplines and areas.
We also have a YouTube channel, JHTV full of fitness videos, guidance, help and tips. Plus we have a range of new downloadable training packages.
However we are but one of many out there and although I like to think we always go the extra mile in all that we do and offer. As this article is about a broad brush approach to getting properly started in the fitness arena, it would be remiss of me not to point out you should also get onto Google, as well as social media and have a scout around for advice and help. There are many really good services out there, which will help you, whatever level you are looking for.
You can download a generic training package in seconds, or you can pay a little more for a bespoke service. I like the guys from LDN muscle or Fitnessfodue.com.
You have to choose these very carefully. Do your background research. Do not buy into anything that people are selling you just because it looks all good and they put motivational quotes up all over the place.
However please do always remember, sometimes all is not what it seems! I know a number of people who have been badly stung. There are many conmen and women out there.
Online training is not a problem, but ONLY from properly verified trainers and businesses. Remember lifting the wrong weights can be extremely dangerous.

If you do find advice you like, from people you trust, then stick with it. Do not chop and change between things.
If you tell seven people what you're doing for your training programmes and what you're eating. You'll get seven different people's opinions.
So and so will say "I was doing this". Mary in the office is going to say "I'm doing that". Someone else is going to say "I heard that's not very good".
Find something you believe in. Find something reputable; whether you pay for it or not, stick with it for six weeks and see how you get on. Then you can honestly review the process.
You are never going to get instant results. You need to take your time and work hard. No matter what the outside world may tell you on social media or round the water-cooler.
A couple of instant don'ts!!
Do not try to bolt things on to your programme unless it says you can. Don't start adding sessions in or trying to change what you have been set.
If your coach or the company you are working with is any good, then they will have factored in all you need. Don't try to be too clever.
Training is very simple at its core. If you're trying to lose weight then getting your heart rate up will help along with lifting weights.
Never forget this. If you're trying to get bigger, you need to lift weights with a high numbers of reps with time under tension work. If getting stronger is your goal, then you need shorter reps, lifting heavier weight, all of it with good technique.
Then comes eating well.

If you do all the training but don't get your diet right, then you are simply wasting your time.
Sadly a large majority of the public have no idea what eating well means let alone comprises! As for what constitutes eating the kind of volume your body needs to make proper adaptations, forget it!
If I had a pound for the number of times I get contacted on twitter from lads wanting to get bigger but struggling, I would be a millionaire. They always say they train 4 x times a week and are doing all the right things.
Then when you ask about diet you find they aren't eating nearly enough. Or if they do eat the required 4 to 5 times a day, the levels and combinations of carbs, protein and fats are never right.
Diet is what will help get you where you are going. You need to be eating meat, fish, veg, chicken, good carbohydrates; you need to fuel your training. You need good fats in your diet.
You need to avoid junk food, processed food. It's not rocket science. You can't treat yourself if you're a bit of a fatty, with all due respect. You can't train for two days and then reward yourself afterwards.
It's not going to work out.
Eating well is not easy. In truth it's not always fun, but then anything in life that is worth going after, is always hard. Otherwise we would all have 6-packs, drives Ferrari's and live in huge houses.
