I don't know about you, but there is something exciting about September. Personally, I love autumn and with this weird August weather outside, I can almost feel it coming. I think it is because we are all running around getting the kids ready for 'Back To School', fighting over school shoes, ironing in name tags, which is such an exciting time of new beginnings with fresh intentions and new-found knowledge and friendships.

Image by Simon Whitmore for my book Style Your Modern Vintage Home published by FW Media
Remember that feeling? Imagine how good it would be to feel this ourselves, now that school is a long distant memory. So let's not wait until January to make a fresh start, let us all try to get that back to school feeling now with some of these intentions.
Buy New Books
I hardly ever read since I had the children, which is a regret that I realised while on holiday this summer. My intentions on returning were to read more and use my phone less. While I am not reading three books a week like I was in Greece I do have a book beside my bed now that I am enjoying. So why not go to a book shop and have a browse? I am joining the library with my son to borrow a book as an alternative to buying them.
Tidy Your Office Space
Whether you have an office, a study or work at the kitchen table, now is the time to have a sort out. File that stack of papers, throw away what you don't need and give it a good clean (how do our desks get that dirty?) A tidy space really helps me to concentrate, feeling calm in my environment brings focus, leading to results.
Choose New Stationery
My Instagram feed is full of images of gorgeous stationery but I rarely treat myself, even though I know that there is nothing better than a blank notepad to write your To Do lists in, your dreams and ideas in. It is as if every new notepad is a new beginning, every blank page is a new challenge to meet or a new idea to launch. Why not buy from an indie business this year such as some of the fabulous sellers and designers on Etsy?
Evaluate How Productive You Are
Earlier this year I created a way to learn how productive I am and more importantly, work on how to make better use of my time. Now is the time to re-do this exercise with my new goals and plans. Get the free printable over on my website.
Get An Early Night
I am desperately trying to get my kids to go to bed earlier to be ready for the new term but not having much luck! I too should follow this pattern and go to bed early so I can get up earlier in the morning. For a while last year I got up at 6.30 to do an hour's work before they got up, but that has gone by the wayside and I really want to start up again.
Learn Something New
Every day I am learning something but it is always linked to work, such as how to get more Twitter followers, how to create a logo.... while all are great for my business, wouldn't it be better to stimulate my creative brain more. Now is the time to learn new things whether it be a language via Duolingo or a photography class at a local college.
Join An After School Club
I spend my life running my children to after school clubs (tennis, gym, choir, swimming, football) so why don't I go to one for myself? I would love to play more tennis which has long been neglected, I would love to go to that yoga class in the village but always seem to have a reason why I don't have time. Now is the time to make time. For me.
Treat Yourself To A School Bag
...or shoes, or new socks even! I'd love a vintage satchel like the one we used when we were younger.
Do you want to join me this September? Let me know what your intentions are?
This blog first appeared here