The Saggy Tummy of a Happy Mummy

Saggy tummies are not a taboo subject within parenting circles, in fact they are widely discussed. However they are rarely seen.

Saggy tummies are not a taboo subject within parenting circles, in fact they are widely discussed. However they are rarely seen. At times I have quite confidentially stated

"Yes I have a saggy tummy, but every stretch-mark is a testimony to my journey into motherhood."

Which in itself is true, I have many stretch marks and when I look at my tummy I can even tell you which one is from each of my eight lovely children. However - do I like my tummy? Would I happily whack on a bikini and wiggle my bottom along the beach on a sunny day ? Er NO WAY!

I've just about had enough of how we all give ourselves ridiculously high expectations as mothers, wives and as women. My mother was on the 'plumper' side when I was growing up but we loved her unconditionally as her children and my father adored her. Surely that has to be enough? Why do the majority of us feel that we have to fit in to teenager sized skinny jeans ? And that's coming from someone who's just battled with an extreme diet-bordering eating disorder to reach 9 stone.

So there you have it. That's my tummy... It's saggy... I can just about handle it. One day I'll get brave enough to do a post like this on post pregnancy and breastfeeding boobies.

Interested in forming a mummy tummy collage? Totally anonymous photos of real mummys tummys - email me your tum on and I'll put one together and let you know when it'll be posted up.

Until then - stay saggy y'all !


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