
HuffPost US wellness editors will talk about covering the COVID-19 pandemic, share tips and answer questions.
It’s worrying when politics and ideology triumphs over humanity, as if there’s a supposed hierarchy of who we should feel sorry for and why, writes Maighna Nanu.
A study gives us some clues on whether Covid-19 can be transmitted through the air and how long it lingers.
"Homeschooling day 7: The PE teacher is not wearing a bra."
Among those to die was a 23-year-old with no underlying health conditions.
With healthcare and frontline key workers facing shortages of protective clothing as they deal with coronavirus patients and work, those with 3D printing capabilities are helping equip them with face masks and other protective equipment. Schools, businesses and hobbyists are all helping supply places like hospitals with what they need.
The number of people using Zoom has jumped from 10 million to 200 million a day.
Medical staff are risking their own lives each day. HuffPost UK has collected tributes to those who have died, from the people who loved and worked with them.
Stay at home, save lives and wear sun screen.