led by donkeys

The government had dropped the chart that showed Britain with the worst coronavirus fatality total in Europe.
Political campaign group Led By Donkeys projected “a message to the government’ onto the houses of parliament. The video directed to Britain’s prime minister Boris Johnson sees NHS staff highlighting a lack of protective equipment (PPE). The group originally formed to fight Brexit also restarted a billboard campaign to “create a record of heroes and anti-heroes” during the coronavirus crisis.
The message, the work of Led By Donkeys, appealed to Boris Johnson directly: “The NHS saved your life. Now we need you to save ours.”
"Look from your side to this side, see these white cliffs, and we’re looking across at you and feeling we want to be together."
The group have vowed to donate all of the proceeds to the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants.
In 2007 Johnson was outraged the UK public would not have a say in who became PM.
Activists want the Labour leader to back a second referendum – and you can get involved.