
The New York Post hit the former president with a blistering front page. The Wall Street Journal declared him to be the Republican Party's "biggest loser."
A weak insult aimed at the Fox News host’s son has triggered infighting in the Republican Party.
The former attorney general had the perfect comeback to a weak insult from his old boss.
In the wake of the US Midterm elections, a press conference was called at the White House. President Donald Trump clashed with reporters, calling CNN’s Jim Acosta a “rude, terrible person”. Later that day, it was announced that Attorney General Jeff Sessions had retired at Trump’s request.
It seems the #MeToo movement has shifted the dial somewhat among women voters. But it’s not enough. It's time the movement became more inclusive to make sure that next time, no-one gets left behind
The US midterms saw record numbers of women running for positions in Congress, with historic wins across the country including the youngest woman elected to Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
The US midterm elections have left the Republicans with control of the Senate and the Democrats with a majority in the House of Representatives, so both can claim a victory. But President Donald Trump could face difficulties with his policies.
The first thing to remember is that while Trump’s ascent to the presidency in 2016 was certainly a surprise, the polls were not wildly inaccurate
November 2018 sees the United States voting in the first major election since Donald Trump was elected president. Trump is not on the ballot, and yet the stakes are incredibly high. The Republicans are at risk of losing their total control of Congress. The Democrats, meanwhile, are divided over the best way to leverage opposition to the president in order to regain a modicum of power. Here’s everything you need to know.