Recent figures have shown that youth employment is at an all time low, despite lots of help out there for young people to get in to a career, and up until now, there's been nowhere really to specifically discuss Apprenticeships, whether you're currently an apprentice or someone looking to become one - however that's where Apprentice Forums comes into it!
Apprentice Forums is a new UK-based online community that enables young people to discuss careers and apprenticeships specifically. Apprentice Forums encourages training providers, companies, current apprentices and young people as a whole to join in and discuss their career options.
Not only does Apprentice Forums bring everyone apprenticeship-related in to one, but they also give you all the information and advice you need, whether it be from an apprentice who's already in the sector you're interested in, or a training provider who can give you all the information on the qualification you could be working to, there's no end to what you can find out!
Popular names such as Ruth Badger, Claire Young, and many more candidates on 'The Apprentice' have helped promote the website after seeing how beneficial it is to young people.
Apprentice Forums are also looking for sponsors for some forum competitions running in the future, so if you're a company/person that wants to aim at young people, why not help out? Email for more detail.
So, if you know someone who is in an apprenticeship, wants to get in to one, or can help young people out in anyway, why not let them know about us and join in the community?