If you are looking to crush emotional eating to help melt the fat, then consider these 10 actions to help you wave goodbye to it for good.

1. Become selfish
Start putting number 1 first. As you do so, ignore those who tell you that you have changed for the worse. It usually means they are fed up because you are no longer meeting their needs. Never feel guilty about being selfish, it just means you are valuing and taking care of you first and foremost. When you look after you, you are then in a position to give back to others.
2. Dump the drains
Surround yourself with the go getting positive tribe. Let their positive spirit inspire you to change for the better so you rate yourself highly. Bring in the radiators, those being the people that rock with a positive go getting ambitious style. The emotional vibe from the radiators will mean you feel less inclined to put your face in the cake.
3. Think green cross code
Pay attention to your emotions. If you sense they are encouraging you to visit the fridge then do the green cross code. Stop, and pay attention to the emotion you are experiencing. Look at what you are about to do. Then listen to the consequences of caving in. Immediately and if possible, take yourself off to look at your wardrobe. Hold the clothes you want to slip into, smile, and move on having broken the pain in the ass emotional state that would have made you have a blow out.
4. Ditch a dead relationship
If you are with a partner that is dull, boring, and rather incompatible then get the wheels in motion to dump them. Of course, if you feel it can be saved then consider making a go of it, but if it's dead in the water then consider separation. You need to be with someone that is a stimulator, a friend, and someone you want to enjoy the bedroom with, rather than turning off the light when you hear them trotting up the stairs.
5. Avoid seeing yourself as low rent
Crank up your self worth as you wave goodbye to a perception that you are low rent. Feed your mind with empowering conversations and affirm that you are A class as opposed to Z (with the exception of a certain class of car).
6. Develop an SOS routine
Implement your very own SOS routine. As soon as you feel your negative emotional state is going to make you grab a muffin, execute your SOS procedure. For example, taking yourself off somewhere that calms you down, implementing a change in body language so it becomes more positive, or simply looking at a computer screen saver that triggers a positive emotion. Use what works best for you.
7. Pack your life full
Boredom can mean that you get lows in your life and nibble on more grub than you should, so ensure you bring into life new hobbies, interests, and life experiences that spice it all up including those naughty things that you wouldn't even tell a good friend.
8. Learn self hypnosis
Self hypnosis is a powerful tool to help you regain control over your emotional state. Consider learning this technique from a renowned Hypnotherapist rather than one that may have more emotional eating problems than you do. Select carefully as the market is flooded.
9. Stop being a perfectionist!
Start accepting fallibility. It is ok to make mistakes and it is ok to learn from them. Perfection leads you to feeling uptight and then reaching for the food to relieve its intensity. Relax, it's ok to cock up now and again.
10. Ignore the loonies!
You may be associating with people that have so many problems themselves that they depend on you to rescue them. Ignore their bitterness and you keep thinking like a winner. Let them go! Yes they are the drains.
Emotional eating is a biggie for so many looking to lose weight. Can you get on top of it? Course you can.