
Jason Smith

CEO of Blurrt, a unique platform that analyses emotion from social media posts, in real time, to tell stories, make predictions and more.

Jason is the co-founder and CEO of Blurrt - a platform that uses natural language processing to provide real-time understanding of emotion and context across social media. He has spearheaded the company from a start-up to an award winning
multi-product platform. Under Jason’s leadership Blurrt became the first
in the UK to do real-time Twitter reaction to a political broadcast. Since
then Blurrt has gone on to provide real time social content and analysis
to multiple broadcasters, BBC, ITV, & LBC; household brands such as
GoCompare; and social campaigns for Royal Foundation, 10KSA and
Alcohol Concern.

In 2015, Jason was recognised by TechCityInsider as one of the UK’s
influential tech business leaders

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