Amazon Rainforest

How a passion for “that rich piece of Brazil", the Amazon rainforest, has made Bolsonaro into a victim.
Ahead of a Group of Seven summit in France this weekend, Macron’s office questioned Bolsonaro’s trustworthiness.
Thousands of fires are burning throughout forests in Brazil but donations, petitions and reforestation can make a difference.
Jair Bolsonaro is facing criticism over the cause of the fires and has warned foreign powers not to intervene in the crisis.
The blazes are roasting South America's biggest country just as far-right President Jair Bolsonaro is rolling back environmental and indigenous protections.
Staying in Europe is the only way we can make a serious impact on climate change and the environment, MEP Alex Phillips writes.
The Brazilian president’s agenda of extraction and depletion is reshaping the country’s natural landscape – and our future, Magid Magid writes.
It's not just Brazil – Siberia, Greenland and the Canary islands are among the other regions fighting "unprecedented" fires.
Wildfires in the Amazon have seen an 84% increase compared to the same period in 2018, according to Brazil's space research centre, INPE. Conservationists, scientists and indingenous groups have raised their concerns over President Jair Bolsonaro’s policies that favour development over conservation in the Amazonian basin. As the world’s largest rainforest, the Amazon is vital to slowing global warming as it removes carbon from the atmosphere.