Coverage will start at 5pm UK time – and the launch is due to take place just after 9.30pm.
The 57-year-old will be the first actor to film on board the International Space Station.
China’s manufacturing has taken a hit in recent weeks as the country has halted some transportation and quarantined residents to contain the virus.
Her calculations helped the first American orbit the Earth and inspired the film Hidden Figures.
A viral tweet repeating an old wives' tale about brooms only standing up on their own one day of the year has been disproven by an astronaut.
These picture show the sheer scale of the unprecedented crisis, as flames and smoke continue to choke parts of the nation.
A previous planned all-female space walk was called off when it became apparent that two smaller suits to fit the female astronauts could not be made in time.
Because there's more to life than Westminster.
Internal emails expose how NASA scientists missed what they called the "largest asteroid" to "pass this close to Earth in the last century."
As Apollo 11 launched from on 16 July 1969, a sea of men watched on from inside NASA's firing room in Florida. Among them was one woman. JoAnn Morgan made her prime-time debut as the first female launch controller during Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins’ historic mission to the moon. But getting there wasn’t easy.