
When you were little, if you were asked to imagine the home of the future, you'd likely conjure up ideas of robot servants and ovens that can bake their own cakes.
I'm standing at a cash desk, waiting to pay for my weekly shop. But there's no beep of the tills, nor bright overhead lighting – just a serene backdrop of potted plants hanging from the ceiling.Where you would normally find bags of crisps and packets of chewing gum, there are shelves of locally-delivered freshly-baked cakes, cookies and sourdough bread.Far way from my usual discounter supermarket, I'm at London's first zero waste shop.
Just when you feel you've got the hang of giving your baby milk feeds, suddenly everyone becomes an expert on introducing solid foods. Alongside the questions of what you're going to give and how, a particular favourite topic is when your baby will start.
The way that you eat meat is about to change.
Free, fun and delicious: foraging has gotten cool.
It’s easy to feel really helpless about food waste. Especially as supermarkets are throwing away at least 300,000 tonnes of food waste a year.Beauty products can be just as much of a minefield, what with the issues behind animal testing, plastic packaging and, of course, the use of ingredients that are less than good for the planet.
New evidence youngsters can’t afford lunch in six-week break
Adults are consuming 200-300 more calories than they should every day.
All the cheese, all the time 🧀