
"Do not fight mask wars in our schools," the school district superintendent said.
Confections, a shop in Texas, rolled in the dough after haters showed their poor taste.
US senator slammed after photos show him en route to Cancun amid emergency at home.
The toilets in one jail were filled to the brim with faeces and urine.
For the 394th Judicial District Court in Texas, attorney Rod Ponton showed up to a Zoom court hearing, unable to change his cute kitten filter. He was willing to proceed, as the judge tried to help and his assistant helplessly clicked around trying to remove it.
District court in Texas posts video of the mishap that cheered everyone up.
Mishandling the vaccine can result in a loss of government funding, so the doctor was fired after the alleged theft was discovered.
The president's visit to the US-Texas border is one last chance for him to talk about his wall.
"A rigged election, fight on!" the furious president called out to his supporters.