UK Human Rights

Human rights issues in Qatar have led to calls for football fans to switch off – so should you?
An ambassador for the event dubbed homosexuality "damage in the mind".
Labour frontbencher accused the government of trying to "distract" from "inability to govern".
The justice secretary says the move will "inject common sense" into the legal system, but critics are unimpressed.
Laws restricting abortion rights and trans rights are inextricably linked, advocates say.
Last-minute interventions by the European Court of Human Rights led to the cancellation of the flight.
The US has overturned Roe vs Wade. Make no mistake: the impact will be global.
But the UK's Human Rights Ambassador talks about why some "cutters" are now putting down their tools.
Commons Speaker says Zheng Zeguang should not be allowed on Westminster grounds while some MPs remain under sanctions.
The president’s speech captured the futility of prolonging the US mission but offered little reflection on how America created the conditions for the Taliban to repress millions of Afghans.