Zero waste

The UK wastes approximately 9.5 million tonnes of food each year, with an estimated value of £14 billion.
Penzance achieved "plastic free" accreditation in 2017. Since then, more than 100 other communities have done the same.
How sustainable is your weekly shop? We spoke to the founders of the UK’s biggest zero-waste supermarket, The Clean Kilo in Birmingham, for some top tips.
The UK is responsible for 2.5 billion of the disposable cups that get sent to landfill every year, not to mention all the single-serve pods from coffee machines. To help reduce that number, here are some of the ways you can enjoy your favourite brew in a sustainable way.
Zero-waste may seem like a extraordinary and difficult challenge but once you get going you’ll realise that the long-term benefits are worth any struggles
Pledge cash for a ticket, then pack your own water bottle
Zero-waste living isn't just bamboo toothbrushes and metal straws. You can get on the hype with your cosmetics, too.
Zero waste is hot right now in the food world, certainly. But drinking dens are getting in on the action, too.With novel ways of re-imagining stuff that would normally be made out of single-use plastic (straws) to the way that ingredients are being grown (grapes for wine), there's lots of fun ways that bars are going green.