Celebrity Animals: Cute Dogs And Cats As You've Never Seen Them Before (Pictures)

Dogged By Fame: Pets As You've Never Seen Them Before (PICTURES)

If celebrity gossip is a pet hate but cute dogs and cats arouse affection then this book might sate the need for an entertainment fix.

Viewers found Johnny Depp a fox when he dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow, but would anyone have pictured the dashing pirate as a cat?

Felines are known for their glassy stares but this unruffled cat has a definite Poker Face. And she's not the only pet that might seem familiar. Mister T is most definitely tough, but guess which critter pictured can bark out orders better than the celebrity hard man?

All the animals are real pets wearing their best camera eyes for the occasion. However the wigs and accessories have been digitally added later. These pets have no idea they are famous, just as the celebs are in no way involved with their animal counterparts.

Click on to try and guess who is pictured. To buy the book for a loved one, whether brother, mother or lurcher, these books are great for all the family and other animals. Famous Faces can be bought as a calendar or book at www.teneues.com


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