Huge Mobile Data Bills A Major Problem - Ombudsman

Huge Mobile Data Bills A Major Problem - Ombudsman

Ever been stung by an outlandish mobile data bill? You could be out and about and hit "yes" to your app updates. Suddenly you've broken your "unlimited" download limit, you wallet takes an almighty blow.

UK phone operators must do more to help people avoid getting hit by these unruly bills, says the Communications Ombudsman.

Andrew Bradley, spokesperson for the communications ombudsman said: "Smart phones are a fantastic new tool that many of us carry. We do, however, need to be aware that with new technology we usually get new problems. In the case of data downloads and streaming - the risk to our pockets can be severe.

What we often fail to realise is that there is a small asterisk next to the word unlimited which refers to small print stating that there is in fact a limit which, if exceeded, will incur further charges"

The ombudsman has hand handled complaints where teenagers have received unexpected bills for hundreds of pounds, and also from small business holders who have received unexpected bills for many thousands of pounds.

The advice is just as your mum would say: be safe rather than sorry.

"As always, we should all take care to know what we’re buying but particularly when entering into a mobile phone package we need to be aware that ‘unlimited’ rarely means unlimited!" Bradley says.

"Shop around, there are some really good packages available at the moment. If you can, check your usage on-line."

The ombudsman is calling on mobile phone operators to be clear about the packages they are selling if restrictions apply.

"When a customer is about to reach a limit – mobile operators need to take urgent action to ensure that the customer understands that this is the case and to ensure that he/she understands the financial consequences of exceeding the limit," he said.

Have you had a nightmare scenario downloading too much data on your phone?


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