Stem Cell Injections Reverse The Ageing Process In Mice

Stem Cell Injections Could Hold The Key To Eternal Youth

Stem cell injections could hold the secret to eternal youth as tests showed that they tripled the lifespan of laboratory mice.

Scientists believe that with further research stem cells could also halt the ageing process in humans by giving them a "shot of youthful vigour".

Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh studied mice that had been genetically engineered with the premature ageing condition progeria. They found that after being injected with stem cells they grew bigger and stronger and were able to live three times as long as their younger, healthier counterparts.

The 17-day-old, rapidly ageing mice saw an increase in their lifespans from an average of 21 to 28 days to more than 66 days after the injections. They also showed improved muscle strength and brain blood flow.

The researchers also looked at the effect of stem cells in a lab dish where young stem cells were placed next to prematurely ageing cells. The performance of the sick, ageing cells visibly improved when the healthy cells were placed next to them.

The findings were published today in the journal Nature Communications.

Study author Dr Laura Niedernhofer said: "Mice that got a shot of stem cells just before showing the first signs of ageing were more like normal mice and grew almost as large."

She added: "The young stem cells seem to secrete something that is quite beneficial. Just what it is, we’re not entirely sure."

The researchers hope that the by discovering what that is, the technique could be used to extend the lives of humans.

Niedernhofer said: "The beauty of them is we can take them out of muscle and expand them so we have a useful therapeutic population of cells."

She added: "If all of us could be treated with our own cells, we could eliminate problems with rejection and immunity."

Research continues into the possibility of injecting the ageing cells of humans with young stem cells in a bid to reverse the ageing process. In the meantime, do your bit to stay young and healthy with our round-up of the best anti-ageing herbs...
