Ken Livingstone Supporters Play Victims Of Crime In Campaign Video

Ken's Supporters Play Crime Victims In New Campaign Video

Ken Livingstone has launched a new video highlighting crime in London, following his pledge on Tuesday to reverse cuts to policing in the capital.

The mayoral candidate promises to make London one of the "safetest" cities on earth, telling the camera: "Victims of crime deserve not to be voiceless. They deserve a mayor that will speak out against savage cuts in policing. They deserve a mayor that will end the rise in robbery and crime. The deserve a mayor that won't stay on holiday when riots erupt on our streets."

On Tuesday Livingstone said he would up the number of police in London back to 2010 figurs. However London's deputy mayor Kit Malthouse claimed the money for the pledge "does not exist."

"Speaking as an accountant this is alarming financial illiteracy from someone putting themselves forward to be Mayor. He is proposing to spend money that does not exist."

The actors in the video are volunteers from Ken's campaign.


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