Incredible Snowball Throw Breaks School Window (VIDEO)

Now That's How You Throw A Snowball (VIDEO)

Most of the UK might be pretty annoyed that another flurry of snow is set to hit Britain over the next few days, but for the snowball-throwers of our great and glorious nation, it's like manna from heaven.

Or, rather, snow from heaven. Or the clouds, at least.

Thanks to the snow we've already been blessed with, we've already seen a flatcap-wearing maniac drive a super-powered motorised scooter through it and witnessed a goalkeeping dog pluck a white ball seemingly out of nowhere.

Today, another snow-filled video has emerged, with a iron-armed schoolboy chucking a ball of wet ice straight at the YouTube video's cameraman - breaking a window in the process. See, over in the U.S. they know how to have fun with snow.

In other words, get that man a medal! And, you know, a detention - he did break a window, after all.


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