Michael Gove Impresses At Leveson

Michael Gove Impresses At Leveson

Michael Gove jerked Westminster out of its mid-afternoon recess snooze on Tuesday with a Leveson appearance that made even Tony Blair look nervous.

Unlike nearly every other witness seen by the judge, the education secretary offered unashamed praise of Rupert Murdoch and stood by his sharp criticism of the basis for the whole inquiry itself.

With his characteristic long winded style, the close ally of the prime minister impressed Tories and irritated critics alike with his use of Latin and frequent historical references while those who are not his greatest fans conceded he had put in an impressive performance.

Christopher Home of the Daily Telegraph:

Patrick O'Flynn of the Daily Express:

Martin Bright of the Jewish Chronicle:

Mary Ann Sieghart of the Independent

Dan Sabbagh of the Guardian

While Paul Goodman over at Conservative Home notes that if Gove wants to stop the leadership talk "he will have to work hard at not being articulate, intelligent, forceful (though faultlessly polite) and able to make a case both built on first principles and founded in personal belief".


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