During his appearance at the Leveson Inquiry on Thursday, prime minister David Cameron discussed a text from former News International Rebekah Brooks.
The text, read to Mr Cameron by Leveson barrister Robert Jay QC, had, unfortunately for the nosier of us watching, been redacted.
Mr Jay's explanation for the redaction? The first portion of the text was "jocular" in nature and not pertinent to the inquiry.
So, naturally, we're more keen than ever to know: what did it say?
What do you think? Make your suggestions by writing in the comments below or tweet at @HuffPostUkPol or #BrooksCamText and we'll feature our favourites below.
To help, here's the full text:
[REDACTED]... But seriously I do understand the issue with the Times. Let's discuss over country supper soon.
On the party it was because I had asked a number of NI [News International] people to Manchester post endorsement and they were disappointed not to see you.
But as always Sam was wonderful (and I thought it was OE's [Old Etonians] were charm personfied!) I am so rooting for you tomorrow not just as a proud friend but because professionally we're definitely in this together! Speech of your life? Yes he Cam.