Life almost did begin at 40 for Markus Birdman - because at precisely that age, he had a stroke. That's not very funny, admittedly - but fortunately his Edinburgh Fringe show about the experience, Love, Life And Death, is. Here he is to tell us more about it - and his Edinburgh tips...
Pitch your Edinburgh show in 25 words or less.
It’s about love. It’s about life. It’s about death. It’s about laughing in the face of it all. It’s about an hour.
Your best Edinburgh moment?
I once leapt off the balcony off a Gilded Balloon venue dressed as a pantomime horse - to the delight of the audience below.
And your worst?
I once nearly broke my neck whilst dressed as a pantomime horse in the Gilded Balloon.
You've got one hour free in Edinburgh - what do you do?
Which Edinburgh landmark/venue/place would you give a five star review to?
The Accident & Emergency department at the Royal Infirmary for the deftness and precision with which they removed me from the front of a pantomime horse.
Give us a secret Edinburgh tip!
Go see as many shows as you can at The Stand. All the acts are brilliantly original and the staff will not treat you like a herd of cattle, ready to be milked of your dollars and dignity.
Deep-fried haggis or deep-fried Mars bar?
I survive on a diet of hope and red wine.
Kilt or trousers?
I am rather partial to a man in a kilt. I think it’s a superb look. But you need the legs for it. I have the legs of a new born antelope, skinny and unreliable. Though having 4, has it’s advantages.
Arthur's Seat or Arthur Smith?
I’ve been up Arthur Smith several times, and it was breathtaking. Especially for him.
Complete this sentence: “In Edinburgh, I will be mainly...
...hilarious, with periods of ponder and reflection.”
Markus Birdman’s show Love, Life And Death is at 21.20 at The Stand, 3-26 August (not 13, 20). Find out more and book tickets here.