Oscar Pistorius Shooting: Father Speaks About Reeva Steenkamp Death

'He's Sad At The Moment'

Oscar Pistorius' father Henke has spoken about his son's arrest for the alleged murder of girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, saying his son is "sad at the moment".

Police had previously been called to the home of Pistorius' due to incidents "of a domestic nature", and said they were extremely surprised over media reports that suggested the athlete had fired shots after mistakenly believing there was an intruder in the house.

"I don't know nothing. It will be extremely obnoxious and rude to speculate. I don't know the facts," Henke Pistorius told SABC radio news.

"If anyone makes a statement, it will have to be Oscar. He's sad at the moment."

Henke added his heart goes out to Miss Steenkamp's family.

Police spokeswoman Brigadier Denise Beukes confirmed Pistorius had been charged with murder at a press conference.

"A 26-year-old man has been arrested and has been charged with murder.

"At this stage he is on his way to the district surgeon for a medical examination and he will be appearing at Pretoria magistrates' courts at 2pm this afternoon."


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