Vine Launches On Android: Twitter's Six-Second Movie App Expands

Vine Launches On Android

Twitter's video clip sharing app 'Vine' has launched on Android.

The app allows users to record short, multi-scene videos that can be easily and quickly shared on social media - with the catch that they can be a maximum of six seconds long.

Vine launched on Apple's iOS platform earlier this year, but has now made the jump to Android - and with a zoom feature only available on Google's platform.

Vine for Android has many of the features that more than 13 million people have grown to love: easy video creation with automatic playback and sound; Explore, where you can discover popular posts and see what's trending; and Find Friends, where you can find and invite people you know to join. You can also share your posts to Twitter -- people will be able to watch them right within your Tweet.


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