UNICEF's 'Sweat Machine' Turns Perspiration Into Drinking Water

'Sweat Machine' Turns Perspiration Into Drinking Water

A new invention claims to be able to turn sweat into drinking water.

That's right, those hot and sticky summer nights might have a new purpose - providing your next cool glass of H2O.

The machine was built for the United Nation's charity Unicef by engineer and TV personality Andreas Hammar, in Sweden, to promote the campaign to increase access to clean water.

More than 780 million people have no reliable clean water supply, according to Unicef, leading to thousands of daily deaths from contagion and basic thirst.

The sweat distillation machine is not intended as a solution to the issue, but a PR-tastic way to highlight the choices people in the developing world have to make.

The Sweat Machine takes moisture from worn clothes, purifies the water with a series of filters, and turns it into water that the makers insist is cleaner than the local tap water.

It then dares passers-by to drink the water - which apparently more than 1,000 people have so far done.

Hammar said:

There are many different techniques to extract and purify water. The technical challenge was to build the sweat machine like in the space travel industry, where every filthy water drop whether it's cooling water, urine or just sweat, is invaluable. It is hard to believe, but the water extracted from the machine is actually cleaner than ordinary swedish tap water.


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