Fox Steals Mobile Phone, Sends Mysterious Text In Fox Language (VIDEO)

Fox Steals Mobile Phone, Sends Mysterious Text In Fox Language (VIDEO)

Footage has emerged of a fox stealing a teenager's phone.

After scurrying off with the boy's device, the sneaky beast then sent a taunting text.

It read: "Jlv In ø \ a0ab 34348tu åaugjoi zølbmosdji jsøg ijio sjiw." Chilling.

Mmmm shiny: The fox swoops in

In the mammal's defence, phone owner Lars Andreas Bjercke had installed an app on the phone, which makes noises which attract foxes.

Bjercke and friend Sigurd Grønvik Bachke had been taking snaps of the fox in Oslo, Norway, last year, when they decided to activate the app to lure him in for a closer look.

I'll be having that: Off he goes with the device

Once the animal had run off with it, Bachke attempted to call the missing phone, telling VG.NO: "At some point the fox answered the phone. I heard something crunch as if he was fiddling with the phone."

The animal later returned - without the phone - and Bjercke's friends are presumably braced for the next communication.

As The Grist points out: "The phone still hasn't been recovered, so the fox is at least up to level 18 of Angry Birds now."


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