Horrifying footage from Syria appears to show a young child being shown how to hold and shoot an assault rifle, before warning "infidels" they are "going to be slaughtered."
The YouTube video shows a boy of pre-school age, named as Abu Bakr, who says he is from Uzbekistan.
He is reported to be one of the ‘cub’ jihadists recruited by rebel factions in the war-torn country.
The toddler fires a series of bullets from the gun as adults around chant Allahu Akbar – Arabic for “God is Greater”.
The tiny child cannot even cope with the weight of the Kalashnikov and can be seen visibly struggling.
He fires two shots before he is interviewed by the cameraman, who encourages him to send a message to Muslims to "join the operation" in Syria.
He chillingly adds: "You infidels are going to be slaughtered."