Fresh from his victory over the Liberal Democrats, Bus Pass Elvis candidate David Bishop has reached out for help from Russian president Vladimir Putin.
"I've sent a message to Putin," he told BBC Two's Daily Politics on Friday. "Saying would he leave Ukraine, the Crimea, and invade Meadow Lane and take over Notts County football club and save them from relegation. I think 50m Roubles would go down well, they could buy Ronaldo or Balotelli."
Bishop, also known as Lord Biro, also warned Nick Clegg that his 15,284 majority in Sheffield Hallam could be under threat in 2015.
"Somebody has already asked me if I would stand against him," Bishop said. "He's not very popular up there in Sheffiled Hallam."
Last week Bishop won 67 votes in the Clifton by-election for Nottingham Council. The Lib Dem secured just 56 votes. Much to the delight of Tory, Labour and Ukip politicians.
Bishop's manifesto promised to "legalise brothels with a 30% reduction for OAPs." He has also called for an inquiry in British Vet Fees, a ban on air guns and a campaign to 'save public lavatories from extinction."