Celebrity personal trainer can sound like a frothy title, but Tracey Mallett has seriously good credentials - her workout routine Booty Barre has been rolled out to gyms across America and has been followed by the likes of Madonna and Zooey Deschanel.
More importantly, she devised a fitness program as part of Michelle Obama's Let's Move campaign. (She even performed it with the First Lady and a group of school kids on Ellen De Generes' talkshow.)
Although she currently lives in Pasadena, California, Brit-born Tracey came back to Britain for a short while, where we asked her for her tips on how to get in shape - both in the short and long term.
Tracey has an unbelievably good body and looks the picture of health, so we're (for now) putting down the chocolate bar and paying attention.

What are the biggest diet mistakes women make?
Excessively limiting the calories which can cause the body to go into starvation mode and hold onto fat as security in a time of famine, leaving you little energy to exercise. However, the other scenario is when you exercise more than you normally would do, thinking this gives you the guilt free ticket to eat more. Balance is the key and being in a healthy deficit of calories through less consumption and burning of calories through exercise.
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Portion control – do we need to re-educate ourselves?
Yes, portion control is such an easy way to gauge that you can live within a health daily calorie intake by eyeballing the right amounts your body needs and what is excessive.
What are the top tips for losing weight a month before the festive season?
Limit your alcohol consumption as this is empty calories and try to cut out starchy carbs such as bread and pastas. No red meat. Be more active in general, more walking taking stairs instead of elevators.
Increase your exercise routine to at least 5 times a week!
Are there any great foods that help us lose weight?
Veggies and fruits that are high in fiber help you lose weight as they keep you feeling fuller for longer period of times on less calories. They’re also far healthier with nutrients.
What are your top training tips?
- Take time to learn how to do basic exercises correctly with control as opposed to using momentum and injuring yourself.
- Focus on quality rather than quantity especially on learning how to activate the abdominals and you’ll finally get results.

How do you fix a fitness rut?
Focus on the end result and end goal. Switching up your fitness routine keeps the boredom at bay and your body challenged.
Do you have to work out in a gym or can you do it at home?
You do not need a gym to exercise, there are so many things you can do at home or the great outdoors. Home exercise videos are the greatest as it allows people to do different workouts at home when they can fit it into their schedule. Walking and jogging outside is always an option to be consistent with your exercise program.
What is the Booty Barre?
BootyBarre is a fusion of pilates, dance, yoga and athletic drills which inspire people to move their body using their own body weight and light dumbbells.
It’s a fun, high energy class that tones the total body with a focus that all the moves generate from the abdominals. Without a strong core the rest of the body is weak, you will learn how to move the body synergistically together maximizing your time and sculpting the body. I believe dance is a window to your soul and when you have fun you want to do it even more.
If I had a week to lose weight, what five things (or more) should I do?
- Exercise at least 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes combining cardio and strength
- Build lean muscle mass from either using your own body weight or resistance training that increases the metabolism allowing your body to burn more calories at rest, plus gives your body definition
- Cut out over processed foods and refined sugar
- Limit red meat and increase lean protein such as fish and chicken
- Juicing of veggies and fruit enables you to consume more nutrients essential for health on a low fat diet
- Healthy fats such as olive oil, omega fatty acids found in nuts and oily fish. Our bodies need healthy fats to help metabolize fat
- BE CONSISTENT AND DON’T GIVE UP. If one day you have a set back the next day make up for it but don’t make the mistake of thinking you have messed up and it’s not worth carrying on.