Nigel Farage Hit With An Egg By Protester, Goes To Pub To Recover (VIDEO)

WATCH: Nigel Farage Hit With Egg

In the grandest traditions of political protest, Ukip leader Nigel Farage was hit by an egg as he arrived on a campaign visit today. The man who threw the egg was holding a placard which said: "Ukip ... sad, scared, old men."

Farage arrived in Nottingham to rally support for his East Midlands candidates for the European elections, but as he got out of a car in the city centre he was hit by the egg.

He quickly got back into the car which drove off leaving supporters behind.

The egg hit Farage on his left shoulder. The protester, who gave his name as Fred from Nottingham, said he carried out the attack because he does not agree with Ukip policies. He was put into a patrol car by police and driven away.

He told the BBC: "Egg-throwing is a well established form of political protest in this country. I saw the guys outside the town hall about 10 minutes ago. I went to Tesco, bought some eggs."

Farage then went to the Bell Inn near the city's town hall and ordered a pint of Robin Hood beer.

Earlier this year Farage was hit over the head with a placard by an angry protester as he made his way into a hotel to meet supporters.

A man is restrained by a member of security after hitting Farage with an egg

Being hit with an egg is a right of passage for most politicians. Ed Miliband was hit during a post-election walkabout in Southampton last year.

(H/t @liarpoliticians for the video)


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