Susan Boyle Does The Ice Bucket Challenge, 'Britain's Got Talent' Star Dons A One-Piece To Raise Money For Charity (VIDEO)

Susan Boyle's Ice Bucket Challenge Will Change Your Life

Every time we think we’re fed up of the Ice Bucket Challenge, something comes along to change our mind. First Benedict Cumberbatch underwent the challenge a whopping five times. Then Dan Osborne did it completely naked, and piqued our interest again.

However, now we think it’s safe to say with Susan Boyle’s contribution the Ice Bucket Challenge craze has peaked.

Susan adopts a typically graceful pose as she awaits her Ice Bucket Challenge

The video shows SuBo sitting in an ever-graceful and dainty pose in her back garden. In a one-piece (or, indeed, a “cossie” as she calls it). With a scarf on her head. Waving an American flag. It’s all too wonderful for words, truthfully.

Just when you think it can’t get any better, the awaiting crowds encourage the ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ star to perform her signature song, ‘I Dreamed A Dream’, which she does with vigour, before ad libbing a few cheeky ‘woo’s at the end.

Just before she’s doused with water, Susan nominates Piers Morgan (who, y’know, already did the Ice Bucket Challenge weeks ago, but nice try anyway, SuBo) and is then given a rubber duck to put on her head. We’re not sure why, we’re beginning to think someone has confused her with Buckaroo at this stage.

She then lets out a few last-minute swear words, at which point she is doused in ice water.

Just spectacular

What a flawless queen.

Susan has three buckets of freezing cold water thrown over her in total, before she lets out a celebratory “yee-haw!” or two and launches into a rendition of ‘Light My Fire’.

When she’s not dancing around her back garden in a swimming costume, Susan is still delighting fans with her live performances, including at the Closing Ceremony of the Commonwealth Games earlier this year, which took place in her native Glasgow.


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