John Lewis Christmas Advert: Who Is Tom Odell? Meet The Singer Behind The #MontyThePenguin Ad (PICS)

Who Is Tom Odell? Meet The Singer Behind This Year's John Lewis Advert

By now you can’t fail to have noticed that John Lewis have unveiled their latest Christmas advert, a tearjerking tale of penguin love around the festive season. What could get us more in the mood for Crimbo than that?


Tom Odell

Since you’re going to be hearing a lot more of him in the run-up to Christmas - not just in every ad break up until the end of December, but no doubt on the radio too - we decided to round up everything you need to know about Tom Odell with a nifty ‘9 Facts In 90 Seconds’ (although, we should probably make that ‘9 And A Half Facts In 90 Seconds’, as you’ll see…)


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