Tara Palmer-Tomkinson Arrested At Heathrow Airport After ‘Flying Into A Rage' Over Being Refused Entry Into First Class Lounge

TPT Arrested At Heathrow Airport

Tara Palmer-Tomkinson was arrested and handcuffed by police at Heathrow airport this weekend after she 'flew into a rage' when she was refused entry to a first class lounge.

According to reports, the socialite swore at police officers as they questioned over her behaviour on Saturday.

Tara Palmer-Tomkinson

The 42-year-old is also reported to have torn out her hair extensions during the heated exchange with eight armed police officers.

After attempting to storm off during questioning, she was arrested and taken to a West London police station before later being released without charge.


A Met Police spokesman said: “Police at Heathrow Terminal 5 were made aware of disturbance in the forecourt of the building at approximately 15.20hrs on Saturday, 20 December.

“Officers arrived at the scene and arrested a 42 -year-old woman.

“She was taken to a west London police station and subsequently accepted a caution under section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986.”

Tara, who is now understood to have flown to the exclusive ski resort of Klosters in Switzerland to celebrate her 43rd birthday, said a panic attack triggered her behaviour.

It’s not the first time TPT has got herself into hot water at an airport.

In March last year she was stopped by security at Zurich airport over the pistol-shaped high heels in her luggage.

Tara told her Twitter followers: “Was arrested at Zurich airport with my Chanel killer heels in my luggage... not a good look on the x Ray!!”


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