Katie Price ‘To Enter ‘CBB' House' As Josie Cunningham Angles For A Spot

Katie 'To Enter 'CBB' House'

Following the early departures of Jeremy Jackson and Ken Morley, it's thought that Katie Price could be heading into the ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ house this weekend.

According to reports, Katie is being lined up as a late entry to the show, but if Josie Cunningham has her way, then she’ll be in there too.

Katie sports a typically understated ensemble

Katie is set to receive a “six-figure sum” for going into the house, as reported by MailOnline.

Katie’s pal Rylan Clark has previously revealed that he reckons she’ll definitely sign up for the show “when the time is right”, and it looks like now could be the time.

Meanwhile, Josie seems to be leading a one-woman campaign to get herself in the house, urging her Twitter followers to tweet her manager and tell him to get her on the show.

Will she succeed? We think not - but stranger things have happened.

At present, the ‘CBB’ housemates are under the rule of Queen Cami, who has been given immunity from the upcoming eviction.

Her role as Queen of the Fairies means she will decide who else gets to dodge the public vote.

The task will (hopefully) bring some laughter into the house, following dramatic scenes over the weekend and, of course, #Bananagate.

The eviction is expected to take place on Friday. Will Pricey be going in? Stay tuned in to find out…


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