Greggs Worker Swaps Sausage Rolls And Doughnuts For A Healthy Diet And Drop 10 Dress Sizes

Greggs Shop Worker Drops Sausage Rolls And 10 Dress Sizes

A woman who snacked on sausage rolls and doughnuts while working at Greggs saw her weight increase to her heaviest, where she tried to fit into size 30 clothes.

Stacey Nugent, 24, from Toddington, Beds, even took the snacks home.

But after switching her greasy snacks and sweet treats for her sandwich shop's healthy alternatives she now wears a size 10.

Stacey said: "Every morning I would head to work and it would just be normal for me to fill up on whatever the customers were having.

"Now I can't believe I ever thought that eating pastries for every meal was a good idea!"

At 20 stone, Stacey was used to remarks about her weight from strangers in the street and being unable to find clothes on the high street to fit her huge frame.

Fed up, she decided to lose weight by giving up snacking at work completely and taking on a radical diet.

Instead of eating whatever she served to customers, Stacey started the Cambridge Weight Plan and replaced her giant greasy portions with soups and healthy salads.

In 10 months she'd managed to shed a whopping 10 stone – half her body weight.

Stacey said: "It's brilliant to not look like one of the doughnuts I serve to customers!

"I was working in Greggs, at a service station full of fast food chains, and then the only place I could find clothes big enough was in supermarkets - I lived my whole life around food.

"It was quicker and easier to grab a sausage roll or a scoff a jam doughnut than make a proper meal.

"Over the course of a couple of months it really adds up and my uniform was getting tighter and tighter.

"And in the evenings I'd bring home snacks because I was so tired from being on my feet all day I couldn't bring myself to cook. Now I can go into a shop and buy any clothes that I want and I love trying out all the tasty healthy alternatives at work, as well as cooking at home.

"And I'm very disciplined at work. My colleagues have been really supportive and everyone's pleased I don't look like one of the doughnuts on the shelves anymore."


BREAKFAST: Two sausage rolls and bacon bap

LUNCH: tuna mayo baguette from work, whole pack of biscuits or a tin of Pringles

DINNER: Make your own 14 inch pizza with double toppings and cheese.

SNACKS: Two litres of full fat coke, Another half a pack of biscuits.


BREAKFAST: Cambridge Weight Plan shake

LUNCH: Healthy soup or sandwich at work.

DINNER: Grilled chicken salad

SNACKS: Nothing
