Emma Watson's Powerful Speech On Gender Equality Inspired This Rock Song

Emma Watson's Powerful #HeForShe Speech Inspired This Song

Emma Watson's powerful speech to bolster efforts for gender equality has inspired a rock band to write a song about it.

Last year, Watson delivered a moving speech on behalf of UN Women calling for both sexes to support the fight to eradicate gender equality.

She also highlighted that in order for gender equality to be achieved; harmful and destructive stereotypes of, and expectations for, masculinity need to change.

Her words were poignant for rock band Peace, who say their latest song 'I'm A Girl' is inspired by the British actress and UN Goodwill Ambassador.

Lead singer of the band, Harry Koisser told NME that he began to think more carefully about gender stereotypes after struggling to identify with modern lad culture.

"Once, I was waiting for someone on Digbeth High Street, wearing a fur coat. Two Irish guys came up to me and were like, 'You’re a queer, come here and let me kick you in your balls'.

"So many things you can tell me to come here for and I will, but not that."
