Nick Clegg Is A Woo-Woo And Ed Miliband Is A Tomato Juice, According To Voters

Turns Out Most Voters Think Nick Clegg Is A Woo-Woo

The latest poll from Lord Ashcroft has given the Conservative Party a three point lead over Labour. However that is not what will worry Ed Miliband the most.

The pollster also asked voters if each of the main party leaders were a drink, what would they be.

Nigel Farage was seen to be a pint of bitter. Perhaps reflecting his campaigning technique of largely basing himself in local pubs.

David Cameron, the prime minister will be pleased to hear, was seen as a “full bodied" red wine of a "decent percentage”, a gin and tonic, or James Bond’s Vesper martini.

Less flattering were voters views on what Miliband and Nick Clegg would be.

The Labour leader was seen as Crème de Menthe, “the sort of drink nobody would order”. Or a non-alcoholic beer. "Or a Bloody Mary. Actually no, just a tomato juice."

And the deputy prime minister was described as either a Babycham, or a Woo-Woo cocktail.


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