Danish magazine COVER has apologised for using an image of what many have called an "unhealthily thin" model in its latest issue.
The picture of 16-year-old model Lululeika Ravn Liep sparked outrage online, with thousands of people commenting on a Reddit thread titled 'Corpse or model? Outrageously skinny model featured in the latest issue of Danish fashion mag COVER'.
Many others took to Twitter using #CoverGate to express their disapproval of the image.

COVER magazine’s founder Malene Malling apologised on the magazine’s Facebook page, calling it a “sad day.”
“I have not lived up to my responsibility as a publisher, woman and mother and am truly sorry,” she wrote.
“At COVER we have, in all the years, worked to show an expanded beauty ideal.
“[To] show that you can be beautiful in various ages and various sizes. We have always sought to work with healthy girls. Just two months ago we had plus-size model Diana Graham on the front of the COVER, so it is certainly a subject we focus on.”
The apology comes after people on Twitter called the image irresponsible and "shocking".
Others on the Reddit thread have left comments such as: "She looks sick. She looks unhealthy. It's not something to promote as a positive."
While we agree that the fashion industry needs to stop promoting a body type most women can't achieve healthily, the commentary surrounding #CoverGate is just as concerning as the image itself.
This model - who we must remember is just 16-years-old - has been treated horrifically.
We do not know for certain what Liep's relationship with food is like, but calling a person who may have an eating disorder a "corpse" as the Reddit thread has is not going to help her in any way.
What's more, her agency has reportedly said that the model "is in a bad time in her life after losing two members of her family".
And it's not just the public who have reacted to the picture insensitively.
Covering the story, the MailOnline have chosen to use the headline: "Give that girl some bacon: Danish magazine forced to apologise after outrage over decision to feature shockingly thin 16-year-old model."

Skinny shaming is just as damaging as fat shaming. Negative language is not the way to generate positive change. Period.