'Rape Culture Is A War On Boys On College Campuses', According To Fox News Host Andrea Tantaros

Fox News Host's Comments On Rape Are Utterly Astounding

Fox News host Andrea Tantaros has declared rape culture is a war on boys on college campuses, following the discrediting of the now-infamous Rolling Stone story regarding an alleged gang rape at a US university.

The article, which recounted the experiences of a woman named Jackie at the hands of a student fraternity at Virginia University, hit headlines around the world - but has since unravelled.

A police investigation produced no evidence the gang rape ever occurred - although still can't rule out that nothing happened. However Rolling Stone has apologised for the article, admitting it was a "mistake".

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"This is the most dangerous form of journalism," Andrea starts off saying. "They're just looking for stories, and if they don't get them then they'll just make it up.

"But there's a bigger theme happening here. This hurts women, this hurts victims of sexual assault, and I'm going to speak slowly so all the feminist blogs can get this one because I'm sure they'll clip it."

(At this point there's a titter from one of the panellists.)

"There is a war happening. On boys. On these college campuses," Amanda continues.

"Now we see this fraternity, they can't show they did anything wrong, we don't know if anything was done wrong.

"There is no opportunity to discover the facts, there's no opportunity to confront witnesses and present a defence.

"They cannot fight back.

"So you have Lena Dunham, Rolling Stone, it is a theme in this country to go after boys in this rape culture. There are absolutely legitimate reasons for them to do this. But what happens after they assassinate their character?

"What happens to Lena Dunham? What happens to these fraternity boys? Absolutely nothing. And it hurts the women and the victims at the end of the day the most."


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