Becky Watts March Brings Hundreds To Bristol Streets As Grandfather Sings 'Somewhere' In Her Memory

Becky Watts' Grandfather Sings Emotional Tribute As Hundreds March In Bristol

The father of Becky Watts has said every day has been "absolute hell" since she was killed last month.

Becky, 16, vanished from her family home in Crown Hill, Bristol, on February 19, sparking a huge search operation.

Police discovered Becky's body parts at a house in Barton Hill, Bristol, on March 2 and charged her stepbrother, Nathan Matthews, 28, with murder.

Bright balloons were released in memory of Becky

Hundreds of people today braved the rain to take part in a march across Bristol's city centre to raise money in her memory, wearing t-shirts and badges featuring a picture of the teenager and releasing colourful balloons.

It came as a video emerged of Becky's grandfather, John, singing an emotional rendition of 'Somewhere' from the musical West Side Story, in honour of his granddaughter.

Speaking after the march today, Becky's father Darren Galsworthy said his daughter would have been amazed by the support.

"It's an amazing turnout, it's amazing the support they've got for my Becky who was so shy and retiring," Mr Galsworthy said.

"If she could see this happening now... On a horrible day like this, hundreds and hundreds of people have turned out."

"This young, shy, reserved child who lost her life so tragically and it has hurt us all but it's touched everyone's hearts around the world.

"I've been getting messages from Australia and New Zealand, Africa, China - it's gone absolutely global," Becky's father said.

Becky Watts was 16 when she died

"People recognise us, they come up to us and hug us. I've had 7ft tall men come up to me crying, hugging me and wishing us the best."

Mr Galsworthy was supported at the event by Becky's stepmother, Anjie, the mother of Matthews.

Crowds first gathered by Bristol's harbourside before walking around the city centre to Castle Park to release balloons. Many wore t-shirts and wristbands in memory of the teenager and rattled donation buckets throughout the walk. Money from the event will go towards funeral costs and to support Becky's family, who plan to set up a foundation."

"We're hoping to get a foundation in her name so we can help other families in similar situations," Mr Galsworthy added.

"That's how we hope to keep Rebecca's name going for ever. Hopefully we'll get our life back on track at some point."

"It's been hell, absolute hell. Luckily it has all drawn to a close now and we might be able to go home next week.

"If we get a good vibe when we go in then we'll probably stay living there but if its too much for us to bear then we'll just sell up and move on somewhere else."

The family home has been the subject of forensic searches since Becky was reported missing on February 20.

Police launched a huge search operation, which included a social media campaign using the hashtag #FindBecky.

Bouquets, teddies and cards have been left at her family home, as well at Barton Court, where her body parts were discovered.

Two online fundraising pages have also raised more than £11,000.

Mr Galsworthy added: "It's been hell for us, I'm not going to lie. It is very difficult to keep the emotions under control.

"I have to thank the whole Bristol community for their support, it really does help us.

"I hope this ends sooner rather than later because every day has been hell for us. Every day has been an absolute nightmare."

Becky's grandfather John Galsworthy said his shy granddaughter would have been touched by the event.

"I really think she would have loved it," he said. "I'm sure that if she's looking down on us now that she's saying 'I am pleased, thank you'."

Matthews, of Warmley, South Gloucestershire, appeared at Bristol Crown Court on March 26, along with five others charged in connection with the death.

His girlfriend, Shauna Hoare, 21, of Cotton Mill Lane, Bristol, is accused of perverting the course of justice by lying to police.

Jaydene Parsons, 23, James Ireland, and Karl and Donovan Demetrius, both 29, are accused of helping dispose of and conceal Becky's body parts.

A plea hearing has been set for August 4, with a provisional trial date of October 5. All six defendants have been remanded in custody.


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