George Galloway Loses Bradford West Seat For Respect Party Then Makes Bizarre Speech

George Galloway Was Not A Good Loser - And Twitter Was NOT Sympathetic

After losing his seat in Bradford West, George Galloway is being utterly torn apart on social media.

The Respect candidate, who stormed to victory in a by-election in 2012, received just 21% (8,557) in yesterday's vote.

Labour’s Naseem Shah won with 50% (19,997) of the vote, taking the constituency back to red.

George Galloway is OUT - and Twitter seems pretty pleased

Galloway, known for his grandiose boasts and controversial television appearances, made what can only be described as an utterly bizarre speech following his defeat.

He blamed Zionists, racists and even hyenas for Respect’s loss before declaring: “I’m going off now to plan the next campaign”.

He said: "I don’t begrudge the Labour members here their moment of celebration of course.

"But there will be others who are already celebrating: the venal, and the vile, the racists and the zionists will all be celebrating.

"The hyena can bounce on the lion’s grave but it can never be a lion, and in any case, I’m not in my grave.”


Social media users were not kind to him.

From the critical to the downright baffled, they quickly proceeded to rip him apart.

Ben Fellows tweeted: “Glad to see two nasty and spiteful idiots kicked out of Parliament today! Goodbye @DWard and @georgegalloway. You will not be missed!”

Andy Gilderdale posted: “Oi, cockneys! Do us all a favour, and when @georgegalloway shows up trying to become your Mayor send him packing like Bradford did. Ta.”

DM Elkins tweeted: “The Village Idiot. Hate begets Hate.”

Rosalind Polat said: “George Galloway’s losing speech is his most crazed yet, quoting lions, zionists & hyenas. He’s lost it in every sense. Nutcase.”

Sean McGhee said: “Let's not forget that the vile George Galloway is gone too. One from each extreme. It's cold comfort, but it's all the comfort on offer.”

Mahou Shoujo Rika added: “George Galloway loses his seat then loses his shit.”

Galloway was reported to police last night after he sent a tweet about exit polls before voting closed, which is banned under election law.

A Respect Party spokesman said he had not been told about any complaint to police, adding: ''It seems like a storm in a thimble.''

The Bradford West election campaign turned particularly nasty when Galloway accused Shah of lying about her experience of forced marriage as a teenager.

Shah, a women’s rights campaigner, has previously spoken about her experience of forced marriage and domestic abuse.

In March she published an account of being forced into an arranged marriage at the age of 15.

But at the hustings, Galloway described her as a “big loser” and a “liar” and insisted that she had a only a “passing acquaintance with the truth”.

He told her: “You claimed and gullible journalists believed you that you were subject to a forced marriage at the age of 15.

“But you were not 15 you were 16-and-a-half.

“I have your nikah [marriage document].”

He then proceeded to wave a sheet of paper in the air as the crowd erupted, prompting the chair to intervene.

Shah said she “absolutely refuted” the allegation that she lied and responded: “What has my nikah got to do with Bradford West? What have your four marriages got to do with Bradford West?”

She also said that she would sue Galloway following the General Election.

Labour’s initial candidate for Bradford West, Amina Ali, stepped down just three days after her selection, citing family issues.

In her victory speech, Shah thanked all her rivals - except one.

She said that they “conducted themselves with dignity and brought to the election…the spirit of friendly rivalry.”

She continued: “To Mr Galloway, I say that your campaign demeaned our democracy but personal attacks on me have not worked. The people of Bradford West have seen through this and you have been sent on your way.”


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