Boris Johnson's #AskBoris Twitter Q&A Doesn't Go Quite As Planned

Boris Johnson's #AskBoris Goes About As Well As Every Other Twitter Q&A
London Mayor and newly-elected Conservative member of parliament, Boris Johnson, gives a thumbs-up as he leaves arrives a meeting at 10 Downing Street in central London on May 11, 2015. Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron continued to appoint members of the government after a shock election victory in the May 7 general election. AFP PHOTO / BEN STANSALL (Photo credit should read BEN STANSALL/AFP/Getty Images)
London Mayor and newly-elected Conservative member of parliament, Boris Johnson, gives a thumbs-up as he leaves arrives a meeting at 10 Downing Street in central London on May 11, 2015. Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron continued to appoint members of the government after a shock election victory in the May 7 general election. AFP PHOTO / BEN STANSALL (Photo credit should read BEN STANSALL/AFP/Getty Images)
BEN STANSALL via Getty Images

Once again, Boris Johnson has taken to Twitter to do a Q&A with his people under the #AskBoris hashtag.

Unsurprisingly, it went down about as well as EL James'.

It started with those famous last words:

There was obviously a very heavy emphasis on Boris' affinity for water cannons...

And the serious issues...

Then there were those with more jovial questions for the mayor..

Ahh, Boris. You really are a man of the people...

We certainly are looking forward to #askdoris in August. We can only assume Boris has an alter-ego who's less partial to water canons.


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