Couple Lose Weight And Get Super Toned Before Wedding With 16-Week Healthy Eating And Exercise Plan

Couple's Pre-Wedding Body Transformation Is Beyond Incredible

A lot of people want to look their best for their wedding day, but Paul and Abi Maddern took that one step further, by completely transforming their bodies before they walked down the aisle.

The couple, from Preston, Lancashire, embarked on a joint weight loss journey and lost almost five stone between them just four months before their big day.

Abi, 29, had put on weight while recovering from back surgery to correct scoliosis (curvature of the spine) because exercise had been difficult.

Her husband, Paul, 35, had also put on weight since the pair met and weighed almost 17 stone at his heaviest.

The pair hired personal trainer and nutritionist Simon Hall and took on a 16-week healthy eating and fitness regime to get into shape before their wedding day.

Abi went from just over 11st and 31% body fat to 9st 9lb and just under 12% body fat.

"I was off work for 12 weeks after the operation and as I'm a hairdresser I'm usually on my feet all day. It was a bit of a shock. I put a fair bit of weight and I didn't want to look like that for the wedding day, so we found a personal trainer," she said, according to the MailOnline.

She overhauled her diet in the run up to the wedding, by cutting out all sugar to start with, then eating a lot of green vegetables and lean meat. Junk food and alcohol were also off the menu.

Abi before (left) and after (right) losing weight

Abi has said having her husband Paul by her side made weight loss easier.

The pair planned meals and visited the trainer together, meaning Paul also underwent a dramatic transformation before becoming a groom.

In four months, he went from nearly 17 stone to 14st 11lb and gained a stone of muscle in the process.

Paul before (left) and after (right) losing weight

The couple looked at the diet and exercise plan as a form of rehabilitation for Abi after the operation, but knew it would benefit both of them.

"We wanted to improve our self-confidence and do our own rehab. I wouldn't say we were let down, but Abi wasn't offered much in the way of physiotherapy. She wanted to strengthen her core after the operation," Paul said.

Abi now recommends training and dieting with a partner to anyone who wants to up their fitness and lose weight.

She said: "I feel great now, the best I've ever felt in my life. I don't think I could've done it if both Paul and I weren't in it together. I would've still tried my best, but it would've been a lot harder."
