Man 'Too Fat For Plane Seat' Loses 12 Stone In One Year So He Can Travel The World

Man 'Too Fat For Plane Seat' Loses 12 Stone In One Year So He Can Travel The World

A super-slimmer who was too fat to fit in a plane seat to go on holiday has lost an incredible 12 stone in a year so he can now travel the world.

Martyn Fox, 26, tipped the scales at a 28 stone (180kg) and had a size 50 waist when he was invited to Canada by a friend in August 2014.

He had always wanted to go travelling but hadn't left the UK for seven years because of the embarrassment of having to book two plane seats.

Martyn decided to shed the pounds last summer as he realised he was polishing off multi-packs of crisps at home rather than going out and seeing the world.

He signed up to Slimming World and started going to the gym three times a week and started eating healthier food such as pasta, potatoes and salad.

Within 12 months he lost a staggering 12 stone 10 lbs (80kg) and now weighs just over 15 stone (95kg).

The marketing assistant has now travelled to six different countries with his new-look beach body and says he is enjoying life more than ever.

Martyn, from Stoke-on-Trent, said: "I felt ridiculously unhealthy and had high blood pressure.

"I was secluding myself, not going out much and struggled with confidence.

"I yo-yo dieted because I have always had a really bad relationship with food and would use it as a reward and for comfort.

"Before, I was over eating to excess. I have a sweet tooth and still have, but now I have the willpower to eat a small chocolate bar.

"I would eat a five pack of Mars bars and a multi-pack of crisps. The plan taught me to have treats in moderation.

"I don't feel like I am on a diet because I can still have big portions of pasta, potatoes and rice.

"I feel much more confident now and I'm not ashamed of showing my body on the beach."

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"I've been able to see the world now for the first time in my life.

"I've done things like swimming with sting rays, sailing catamarans and mountain climbing that I never would have been able to do before."

Within two months of dieting, Martyn started work in marketing at Blue Bay Travel, a holiday company based in Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffs.

He has travelled to Barbados, Miami, Mexico, Jamaica, Grand Cayman with work - and to see his pal in Canada.

He added: "Part of the job is to travel to the resorts we sell, so I have now been to six different countries in six months.

"I feel like a different person. It's even strange looking in the mirror. Each time I see friends they don't recognise me.

"Before, I was constantly out of breath. I was always hot and sweaty and constantly felt sluggish, but now I have a spring in my step and I have travelled to so many places."

Martyn, whose BMI went from 45 to 25, has also taken up exercise, visiting the gym three times a week.

He said: "I love it. It has boosted my weight loss, although I know most of it is down to my diet.

"I used to cook with readymade sauces, but now I make my own. Everything is homemade.

"Preparation is key. I make a food plan and even have treats in moderation."

Martyn was one of just 34 entrants to win a place in the semi-finals of Slimming World's Man of the Year 2015 contest for his dramatic weight loss.

Melissa Reece, who runs the Slimming World group Martyn attends, said: "With six in ten men classed as overweight or obese, compared to five in ten women, more men than women need support to slim down and improve their health.

"It's fantastic to see blokes like Martyn and in fact all of the men who reached the semi-finals showing everyone that Slimming World is a man's world too."
