The MPs are back from their conferences, and it's time for Jeremy Corbyn's second PMQs as Labour leader.
If you didn't catch it or simply couldn't face all the jeering, here's what happened without all the shouting.
It only took two minutes for a Conservative member to make a cold-hearted jibe about Jeremy Corbyn:
But then Corbyn did the same to DC:
And it took about five seconds for the PM to start reeling off soundbites:
Corbyn wore his Mr Bean costume again:
There was some waffle about "affordable" homes:
The Tories seemingly laughed at Jeremy's emails from the public...
And Corbyn took a leaf out of Theresa May's book:
Then the Speaker used the word "chuntering"...
It's this, in case you were wondering:
George Osborne was spaced out, as per usual:
But Jeremy Corbyn actually fought back, unlike in his first PMQs:
Things turned a bit school playground when David Cameron cracked out this zinger:
But most importantly, someone opened the floodgates for pig puns:
At least no one made a pig's ear of it.